Sunday, November 15, 2020

Watercolors and Sea Salt, Part 2


This is part 2 of Watercolors and Sea Salt. Once again, I created four watercolor doodles with four different brands (for the list of brands and their respective Amazon links, open the Description box below the video on my YT channel). 

The goal that I achieved was the different effects that adding sea salt created in the doodles. If you like to experiment with coloring media and sea salt (or even just regular salt), give this a whirl. Each picture, no matter what brand of watercolor paints or watercolor markers you use, creates a different look once the sea salt has been sprinkled on the wet surface. Allow the pictures to dry and then just scrape off the salt. I think you'll be quite pleased with the effects.

Thank you!

Tammi Naumann - The Crafty Cat Lady

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